Same day PCR testing available


A woman in white coat holding a tablet.

MedPlus offers physicals for adults and children at your convenience. We offer same-day walk-in appointments every day of the week, as well as evenings and most holidays. Please note, DOT physicals do require an appointment.

Whether for school, sports, or work, MedPlus offers thorough physicals and promptly supplies the documentation you need!


  • School physicals
  • Sports physicals
  • Camp physicals
  • Pre-employment physicals
  • DOT physicals (Appointment required)

Don’t worry about fitting in an appointment for your next school or work physical! Come to MedPlus Family and Urgent Care when you have the time. 

A red cross with an ekg line in the middle.

Get directions to our clinics or call us at (662) 841-0002. For the fastest service, check-in online before you arrive.